How the Holistic WAYS Work

Experience options
You can design The Holistic WAYS experience to best suit your needs and budget. You can decide…
- Whether you go through The WAYS by yourself, with a buddy / stakeholder, or as a member of a team or group.
- If you want the lite or in-depth Playbook, which guides you through our proprietary methodology.
- The coaching you would like – 121 / team / group, virtual or in-person, and number of sessions.
- Whether you would like any extras like analytics, online courses or workshops.
The WAYS have been designed to be used over the course of your life – both by yourself and collectively with your stakeholders.
They aid you to build the skills and confidence to do two main things:
Going through The WAYS for the first time
When you go through The WAYS for the first time, you are most likely to identify many opportunities
These identified opportunities can come from yourself (self-reflection), and from stakeholders and experts (input /feedback). The key thing to remember is that you have a lifetime to seize the opportunities. You can’t do everything at once.
You have to decide what adds the most impact and take one step at a time. Examples of identified opportunities include:
Better manage my time and energy.
Strengthen my ability to create high-quality thinking and engaging atmospheres – building trust, showing respect, building psychological safety, actively listening and constructively challenging.
Develop my relationship-building and communication skills – including emotional intelligence.
Develop my Support Team – find a career mentor and sponsor.
Increase diversity in my network.
Learn how to regulate my emotions better.
Strengthen my problem-solving skills.
Adopt a Growth/WiP Mindset.
Analyse my life to date to increase my awareness of what has shaped and influenced me to be the person I am today.
Identify areas where I can grow and change, or accept the parts I can’t change.
Explore what has helped or held me back in my personal and professional life.
Take time to understand myself and build the skills to manage and express who I am, for example, my strengths, weaknesses, beliefs, motivations, emotions, and overall wellbeing.
Take a proactive stance in managing my health.
Define clear goals for my life and career, which align with my passions and interests.
Develop the ability to create opportunities that better suit my needs and wants.
Increase clarity about the future/world I want to design, build and contribute to – through my relationships, work, volunteering, purchases and investments.
Clearly articulate my personal brand.
Create robust, agile and tested strategies and plans to achieve my goals.
Learn how to promote myself better.
Spend quality time with my partner to better understand what success, wellbeing and positive impact mean for us.
Spend time really getting to know each other. For example, our passions, interests, personalities, health, values and beliefs.
Agree expectations – what we want to achieve together, how we want to support each other, our commitments to each other and how to engage.
Make sure we have the important / crucial conversations.
Be clear with each other when our needs aren’t being met.
Proactively identify and solve problems and challenges together.
Really get to really know each member of my team – what they bring to their role (what they know, what they can do, what they stand for, their resources and reputation), their strengths, values, drivers, motivators and demotivators.
Stop trying to ‘fix’ my team members. Instead, develop my coaching skills so as to aid their self-awareness, resourcefulness and choice.
Agree and set clear expectations - objectives, deliverables, success criteria, ways of working and boundaries.
Improve my delegation skills.
Develop my resource planning and negotiation skills.
Aid each team member to more effectively manage their focus, time, energy, resilience and performance.
Give and receive high-quality input (feedback and feedforward).
Spend time getting to know my manager.
Showcase what I bring to the role and the value I create.
Share ideas of how we can better support each other’s success, wellbeing & positive impact.
Work on my brand and presence so that I come across as approachable, knowledgeable and inspiring.
Increase my awareness and followership.
Improve the overall reputation of the Product Development team within the organisation.
Increase alignment of objectives with other functions.
Strengthen the innovation capabilities of the function.
Set up the processes and governance to use artificial intelligence to help us design, build and test products.
Speak at schools to build awareness and understanding of what we do as an organisation and function – so to help build a pipeline of potential talent.
Mentor some of their members.
Provide advice and guidance on how to grow and develop their organisation.
Share stories of the association’s work on social media.
Better understand how my country generates wealth, handles taxes, borrows money and allocates spending.
Make informed voting decisions by scrutinising the priorities, strategies and plans of political parties.
Gain insight into the challenges, problems and opportunities households, businesses and communities face.
Use my knowledge, expertise and network to help small businesses grow.
With the opportunities prioritised, you then decide and plan on what actions to take and what resources to use. Resources could come from Maximy, your employer or another supplier.