Meet Our Team
Our Independent Coaches & Associates
We have a network of 250+ coaches, facilitators, tutors and actors.
Our coaches are trained and qualified at the professional level - and all belong to governing associations (ICF, EMCC, APECS or AC). They all have supervision with a qualified supervisor. Our trainers/facilitators have team coaching skills.
The companies they have worked with include: Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds, KPMG, Standard Chartered, Heineken, Lego, BP, BT, Deloitte, EY, European Space Agency, Channel 4, GEC Plessey Avionics, GlaxoSmithKline, Linklaters, Morgan Stanley, Pepsico, Hilton, IHG, Ikea, Oracle, Microsoft, Unilever, United Nations, Facebook and Google.
Our independent coaches and associates work with us because they are just as passionate about our mission: to make leadership development visible and accessible to all. Through their support and expertise, we all benefit.
See a few members of our wonderful network below.

You’ve got one shot at life
Maximy it!
Discover how we can help you and/or your organisation with your leadership journey to enhance your impact today.